Orangetheory’s goal is clear. “To deliver proven fitness results for a healthier world, that’s our mission,” SVP of Operations Paul Reuter says, “and we can’t do that if we don’t listen to the voice of our consumer.”

Paul firmly believes that happy customers and positive word of mouth lead to healthy, sustainable growth – the kind of growth Orangetheory has enjoyed over the past several years. It takes more than a nice sentiment and a verbal commitment to ensure customer loyalty, though.

Orangetheory has implemented meticulously monitored metrics, rigorous service standards, and consistent accountability over the years to ensure customers continue to sing its praises. The name of the game, Reuter says, is “customer-centric feedback that’s not only archived but also aggregate in nature.” He adds that Orangetheory has a finely tuned customer feedback engine humming smoothly now, but installing one is a daunting task, and it certainly did not start out this way.

Enter: NPS® surveys

Net Promoter Score (NPS®) surveys are one way to measure and respond to your customers’ experiences. Implementing these surveys helped Orangetheory gather invaluable insights to maintain and improve customer satisfaction and ultimately boost brand reputation and performance (Orangetheory’s annual revenue is estimated at 1.8B and growing).

What is an NPS® survey?

An NPS® survey is an industry-standard survey that quantifies customer loyalty into a score that can range from -100 to 100. In addition, NPS® utilizes a follow-up question where customers can explain their reasoning for the score they provided.

These surveys can be conducted through various online platforms, email, or SMS. Listen360 offers a streamlined customer engagement platform using industry best practices and supports your fitness franchise throughout the NPS® survey process with our experts in the fitness franchise industry.

Why are NPS® surveys important?

NPS® surveys have several business advantages:

  • Predicts future business growth and profitability
  • Accurately evaluates customer loyalty
  • Identifies areas of improvement
  • Demonstrates that you value customer feedback
  • Provides quantifiable data that can be used to measure progress over time

An addition, running several NPS® surveys a year helps you benchmark against industry standards and compare multiple fitness franchise locations, ensuring you make informed decisions that enhance the customer experience.

4 NPS® survey best practices

The goal of an NPS® survey is to understand customer loyalty, identify areas of improvement, measure progress over time, and enhance the overall customer experience. But accomplishing this goal comes down to the practices you use throughout the process.

To get the highest level of accuracy and most value from your surveys, we recommend these four best practices.

1. Define your goals

Before you send your first survey, establish your goals. Why are you sending the survey in the first place? Whether you want to improve customer loyalty overall, uncover underperforming franchises, or just get a baseline for customer loyalty so you can evaluate growth over time, having well-defined goals will guide how, when, and how often you send surveys.

2. Keep communications short and to-the-point

Lengthy surveys can lead to respondent fatigue and lower completion rates. Experts recommend keeping surveys short, from one to three curated questions, ideally. This approach increases the likelihood of customers completing the survey and providing accurate feedback.

Additionally, keep communications about your NPS® survey short. When asking your customers for input, be clear and concise in your request and make it as easy as possible for them to access and complete the survey.

3. Act on the results

You’ve conducted an NPS® survey, gotten the results, and analyzed the responses…don’t stop there. It’s time to act.

Research from the London School of Economics, found a 7-point increase in NPS® is correlated to a 1% increase in growth. Take the learnings from your survey data and start to make changes in your business that will improve your score over time.

Start conversations with the franchises performing well and the ones that aren’t. Use insights from your network to optimize gaps. Suggest new procedures or controls to increase the value customers get from each franchise and consider how your corporate team can provide better support. Whatever you uncover in the data, it’s what you do with the information that matters.

4. Make use of your detractors and promoters

While your detractors are excellent sources for improvement, your promoters are excellent sources of online ratings and reviews. Take full advantage of both. Ask your detractors for more details and suggestions, and catch at-risk customers before they churn. Meanwhile, proactively request a Google or Facebook review from your promoters. This way, you are improving your franchises from the inside and boosting your brand.

How to build an NPS® survey

Listen360 can help you identify your business goals and develop and deploy targeted and effective NPS® surveys that help you achieve them. By getting this kind of feedback, you and your franchisees can make informed decisions to optimize your offerings and tailor them to meet customer expectations, leading to greater loyalty and increased customer retention.

Once you have a complete picture of your customer experience, you can translate it into actionable business decisions for your franchise.

NPS® surveys made easy

NPS® surveys play a vital role in understanding and improving customer loyalty within your fitness franchise network. If you’re ready for a partner that is as invested in your success as you are, get in touch with Listen360’s customer engagement experts and get your fitness franchise started on the right foot.


Using NPS® to Optimize the Customer Experience

How do you know if your franchisees are delivering an experience that keeps your customers coming back? More importantly, how do you know if your franchises do this consistently?

A Net Promoter Score (NPS®) is a quick and effective measurement and key to understanding customer satisfaction. NPS® utilizes one simple question, “On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our company to your friends?” “0” means not likely, and “10” means extremely likely. By getting feedback from your customers on this question, you can assess how well you’re doing and where there’s room for improvement.

NPS® is one of the most important key performance indicators (KPIs) you can use to measure overall business performance. When used effectively, it can inform how you optimize the customer experience. As one expert puts it, “Your NPS® is a gateway to ensure that your focus aligns with what your customers like most about you.”

Here’s a breakdown of your NPS® score and how to increase it.

The Meaning of an NPS® Score

NPS® scoring works like this:

Promoters: On the 0-10 scale, those who answer in the 9-10 range are considered promoters. They’re loyal customers who are enthusiastic about your business and are happy to refer it to others.

Passives: Those who answer in the 7-8 range are considered passives. They’re generally satisfied with your business but not enough to promote it actively.

Detractors: Those who answer in the 0-6 range are considered detractors. They’re mostly unhappy customers who can hurt your business by talking about it negatively.

Your NPS® score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters (passives aren’t factored into your NPS® score). Scores can range anywhere from -100 to 100.

A “good” score is considered anything above 0, with scores in the 50-80 range considered excellent.

When evaluating your NPS® score, it’s helpful to understand your score relative to your industry. Is your score better than other fitness franchises? Worse? About the same? Regularly monitoring your NPS® score by comparing it to others in your industry helps to understand how you’re tracking against your competitors.

Good relative NPS® scores vary widely by industry. Some of the latest data for the fitness industry shows that for boutique fitness brands, 94 or above is a best-in-class score, with 88 or higher considered good and 72 or below considered low. For gyms, 77 or above is a best-in-class score, with 71 or above considered good and 32 or below considered low. These benchmarks can change as the industry changes in the market, so stay on top of typical industry scores to keep an edge against your competition,

Your score is also influenced by the size of your business. Large fitness franchises will have more customers to survey and more customer service headaches that can lead to more detractors than a smaller franchise network, which impacts the score.

Regardless of your current score, it’s important to focus on improving it. By prioritizing customer satisfaction and continually enhancing the customer experience, you demonstrate your commitment to providing exceptional service within your franchise network.

How to Increase Your NPS® Score

Your fitness franchise network encompasses many people and locations, each performing a little differently from the next. That’s why raising your franchise network’s NPS® score needs to be a team effort. To increase your score across your network:

1. Get every franchise on board

Communicate with all your franchises about your business goals for customer satisfaction and that you expect an all-hands-on-deck approach. Your entire network must be committed to improvement. Otherwise, your score won’t change—and it may even decrease.

2. Set KPIs for each franchise

Conduct NPS® surveys at the franchise level, then use that information to determine the KPIs for each franchise—for example, conversion rates, customer retention, or even employee retention. Let each franchise know which KPIs they should pay attention to, then hold them to it. The collective network can improve when every franchise knows exactly what they’re aiming for.

3. Map the customer journey

Figure out all the many ways in which your franchises interact with customers during the customer journey. Which touchpoints are easy and successful, and which create friction for your customers or reveal gaps in service? This can be an eye-opening exercise that gives you immediate insight into how you can improve customer experience.

4. Automate your NPS® surveys

Automating your surveys saves a ton of time, effort, and resources while also giving you valuable data about customer behaviors and preferences so you can find ways to improve your score. Once the data is collected, you can centralize the data in one accessible location with automated customer engagement software.

5. Ask for ratings at the right time

If there are touchpoints in the customer journey where you’re most likely to get a positive response, conduct quick customer surveys at those exact moments to get a fast, accurate read. The interaction will be fresh in the customer’s mind, so they’ll be able to give you an honest response which will help boost your score.

6. Act on the results

Take what you learn and put it into action. You can use the responses to the open-ended follow-up question to determine where your franchises are doing well and where there’s room for improvement. When you make the right improvements, you can survey again and increase your NPS® score even more.

Get Started with Listen360

In your fitness franchise network, measuring customer satisfaction and using the information to optimize the customer experience can boost your overall NPS® score and turn all your franchises into top performers. To get started, consider Listen360’s customer engagement platform. Backed by an experienced team, Listen360 can help you survey your franchise customers, collect important customer data, and make smart business decisions that keep customers coming back.

For more information, contact us today.