Make the Most of Your Dollars

If you have a large marketing department, you probably don’t think twice about testing campaigns or products out in the real world. But as a medium-sized business, getting the insights you need in a smart, affordable way can help save your budget and your business. The Listen360 platform lets you tap into your customers’ wants and needs so you know exactly how to respond, communicate or go to market.

Bank on valuable testimonials

Showing your prospects that you have abundant testimonials from your current customers builds instant credibility. Listen360 can help you stream testimonials to your main and social sites building up your visible reputation.

Tools that help you key in on the voice of the customer

As your business grows, aligning and coordinating across locations and teams gets more difficult and takes longer. It’s harder to gauge the pulse of your customer base. Listen360 pre-analyzes your customer feedback to help you easily see and act on trends, make decisions based on customer observations and align your organization profitably around your customer.

A steady stream of reviews

Extra star reviews of your business mean a better and more robust online reputation—they also help new customers find and vet you. Listen360 primes your reviews for social media uptake that  conforms with the strict publishing criteria used by sites like Google and Yelp!, so more reviews of your business are published and seen by prospects.